I am starting with the assumption that all of you are well familiar with the E-learning software 'Articulate'. It is a very useful tool as far as E-learning is concerned, and we can say, it is almost impossible to create effective e-learning tutorials without the help of a software, like Articulate. For making tutorials, Articulate mostly depends on the Microsoft's PowerPoint.
Well, why should I tell all these well known facts to educated and well-learned people like you? Ok, let me just share some creepy observation, which I happened to notice, while publishing a tutorial. When you publish something in Articulate, it is almost like your system has some hysteria or fever. It won't allow you to do other things normally, or even if we are able to do it, Articulate's publishing components will be influencing it like an epidemic.
Last day, when I was publishing a module in Articulate, I tried to do just a normal copy paste activity. I opened a web page, copied a text, and tried to paste it in a Microsoft Outlook e-mail, while Articulate was publishing a PowerPoint file with more than some sixty slides. I copied the text from web page, and pasted it in Outlook, but behold! What got pasted was an image, (it was actually an object in one of the slides, which I came to notice later). Surprised, or cursing my carelessness, I tried to copy the text and pasted it in the e-mail once again. But this time, it was another image, which got pasted in the email.
Surprised at this phenomenon, and suspicious about something virus-like in my system, I scrutinized everything with care. I found that the pasted images are objects or images in the tutorial itself. Discussing this impish thing with my colleague, he suggested that it could be because the file was getting published.
I tried some more experiments. Without copying anything, I just tried the usual short cut CTRL + V. Each time I tried it, I got different images pasted, (obviously, everything was from the tutorial which was getting published).