Did you ever wonder about the difficulties of effectively instructing the tech illiterates on certain how-to-do’s? Even in the case of filling some online forms also, you might have come across people with trouble in grasping the ‘seemingly sophisticated’ procedures and steps. Then what about senior persons who are trying to learn a new thing, say a language? A teacher or a professor has certain limitations in this aspect. Despite of class room teaching, we need some advanced tools to plant ideas into the minds of the aforementioned group of learners. An approach that incorporates technology and creativity equally can do wonders in this new-generation method of learning. This new method of learning may generally be called elearning. Coming to the terminology, you might have noticed the spelling of the name given to this new learning system. Well, 'elearning' is a neologism, which is nowadays being commonly used by the techies around the globe. The word is derived from ‘electro...
A blog for digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and e-learning (instructional designing)